Что нужно для возвышения нефритового коршуна возвышения
Нефритовый коршун
Тип оружия: | Древковое (Копьё) |
Редкость: | ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ |
Как получить: | Молитва |
Атака (Ур.1): | 48 |
Тип вторичной характеристики: | Шанс критического попадания |
Вторичная характеристика (Ур.1) | 4,8% |
Второе название: | Птица справедливости |
Эффект: | При попадании увеличивает силу атаки на 3.2/3.9/4.6/5.3/6% в течение 6 сек. Эффект может складываться до 7 раз и возникает не чаще, чем раз в 0,3 сек. На 7 уровне увеличивает урон на 12/15/18/21/24%. |
Нефритовый коршун — это копьё создали Архонты для борьбы с чудовищами доисторических морей.
То было время начала строительства Ли Юэ, время, когда над морями ещё властвовали боги и монстры.
Предки жили в бесконечном страхе и всеми своими силами старались обуздать морскую стихию.
Минуло много вёсен и осеней, и всё это время огромный морской зверь терроризировал моря и океаны.
Даже каменный кит, творение Гео Архонта, не мог его одолеть.
Жители Ли Юэ назвали это чудовище «Бацю», и в морских глубинах не было ему равных.
Когда он поднимался из морских пучин, поднимались и огромные волны высотой с горы, они топили корабли и разрушали города.
Тогда Гео Архонт собственноручно создал из камней и нефрита птицу.
Каменная птица, почуяв жизнь, вырвалась из его рук и закружила в вышине.
Подобно солнечному лучу, пронзающему водную гладь, птица бросилась в сердце океана, туда, где каменный кит бился с чудовищем.
Чудовище было отброшено во тьму морских пучин, и вновь подняться оно уже не могло.
С тех пор жители Ли Юэ никогда больше не слышали страшного рёва морского чудовища.
Нефритовый коршун в Genshin Impact: как получить, кому подходит и стоит ли крутить баннер?
Подробный гайд на 5⭐️ копье. Кому подходит и как с ним играть? Ресурсы для прокачки и возвышения.
Копье, появившееся в обновлении 1.0 и входящее в серию «Драгоценный нефрит». Обладающий очень хорошими характеристиками Нефритовый Коршун в Genshin Impact может использоваться всеми копейщиками, но только для части из них он будет наиболее эффективен.
Как получить Нефритовый коршун в Genshin Impact
Характеристики Небесного копья
Тип: древковое.
Редкость: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.
Базовая атака: 48-679.
Дополнительная характеристика: шанс критического попадания 4,8-22,1%.
Пассивный эффект: Птица справедливости. При попадании увеличивает силу атаки на 3,2-6% на 6 секунд. Эффект может складываться до 7 раз и появляется не чаще, чем раз в 0,3 секунды. На 7 уровне наносимый урон увеличивается на 12-24%.
У копья отличные статы, которые нужны для основного дд, полагающегося на обычные и заряженные атаки.
Как возвысить и пробудить Нефритовый коршун
Для возвышения нужны следующие материалы:
Скриншот с сайта https://genshin-impact.fandom.com/ru/wiki/Genshin_Impact_Вики
Пробудить можно с помощью дубликатов. Каждая стадия увеличивает бонус силы на 0,7% и эффект 7-го уровня складывания на 3%.
Кому подходит Нефритовый коршун в Genshin Impact
Шанс крита и увеличение урона нужны основному дд, который будет в состоянии поддерживать длительность пассивного эффекта и полученные бонусы. Владельцами Коршуна могут быть несколько персонажей сразу.
Сяо – для него это идеальный вариант. Приличный шанс крита и постепенно растущий урон, который сочетается с его взрывом стихии и одним из пассивных умений. К тому же у него высокая скорость атаки, что позволит наносить больше дамага на максимальном уровне складывания эффектов.
Розария – у нее высокая скорость атаки и Коршун позволит наносить значительное количество физического урона. Так же Розария может дать бонусный шанс крита своим союзникам, и его процент зависит от ее собственного, поэтому дополнительная характеристика копья ей особенно важна.
Сян Лин – мощный Пиро-реактор, для которого шанс крита в пассивке копья и увеличенная сила атаки крайне важны. Они дадут отличный буст всему вносимому урону, в частности элементальному. Стандартная серия из 5 ударов копьем позволит быстро настакать максимальный эффект пассивки.
Чжун Ли – если он собран как дд, а не саппорт. Это копье увеличит весь его физический урон, а при максимальном уровне складывания еще и Падения кометы.
Как играть с Нефритовым Коршуном
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Нефритовый коршун
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Нефритовый коршун (Primordial Jade Winged-Spear)
Редкость: ★★★★★
Базовая атака: 48
Максимальная атака (90 ур.): 674
Дополнительный параметр: Крит. шанс
Обзор копья
Пассивное умение
Птица справедливости. При попадании увеличивают силу атаки на 3.2% в течение 6 секунд. Эффект может складываться до 7 раз и возникает не чаще, чем в 0.3 секунды. На 7 уровне увеличивает урон на 12%.
Персонажи, которые используют копьё
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Weapon #3402
То было время начала строительства Ли Юэ, время, когда над морями ещё властвовали боги и монстры.
Предки жили в бесконечном страхе и всеми своими силами старались обуздать морскую стихию.
Минуло много вёсен и осеней, и всё это время огромный морской зверь терроризировал моря и океаны.
Даже каменный кит, творение Гео Архонта, не мог его одолеть.
Жители Ли Юэ назвали это чудовище «Ба Цю», и в морских глубинах не было ему равных.
Когда он поднимался из морских пучин, поднимались и огромные волны высотой с горы, они топили корабли и разрушали города.
Тогда Гео Архонт собственноручно создал из камней и нефрита птицу.
Каменная птица, почуяв жизнь, вырвалась из его рук и закружила в вышине.
Подобно солнечному лучу, пронзающему водную гладь, птица бросилась в сердце океана, туда, где каменный кит бился с чудовищем.
Чудовище было отброшено во тьму морских пучин, и вновь подняться оно уже не могло.
С тех пор жители Ли Юэ никогда больше не слышали страшного рёва морского чудовища.
Please do your math beforehand
Wrong staff of Homa is even better for xiao his Q will lower his life and he can use Staff of Homa as good as hu tao, xiao allready get a good amount of krit as you lvl him up to 90, but staff of Homa have the better Substat and passive even r3 staff of Homa is more dmg then r5 jadespear, my xiao is C0 with staff of Homa r5 and deals 60k dmg per jumb by 50% krit and 200% krit dmg and his artefacts arnt even close to perfect, but jadespear is ofc a very Good weapon aswell
“Staff of Homa have a better substat”
In no universe HP is a “better” substat than Crit Rate. Crit is the top substat and HP is the worst one, and only usable by specific characters like Hu Tao and Zhongli who scale from it.
Staff of Homa substat is Crit Dmg not HP. :facepalm:
It looks like Genshin Expert is not that expert lol
Jade spear is slightly better than Homa
Is this weapon going to be good on Shenhe? just curious 🙂
Probably her next best 5* polearm to offer, Has a good passive for her and gives her that extra dmg boost for when she’s on the field. If she were to main dps (with chongyun for example) then this would probably be better than her signature weapon or at least come close to comparing with it. But overall, really solid option but it requires the passive to be stacked for maximum potential.
Hard to call it a very strong weapon tbh. Good among spears but not overall anymore. The passive is not only weak (equals slightly more than
20% damage) but backloaded conditional. Base atk is high but meh substat value. Just look at Thundering Pulse, Mist, Amos (passive reaches
50% dmg and at the same time easier to fulfill!). Jade cutter and Polar (better stat value even passively)
Jade Spear is the most godly weapon on this game right now. R5 there is no way some weapon can reach it. I admit it because that, but this is only good for Xiao to make work that agressive passive. Homa is good just for Hu Tao and Zhongli.
Wrong staff of Homa is even better for xiao his Q will lower his life and he can use Staff of Homa as good as hu tao, xiao allready get a good amount of krit as you lvl him up to 90, but staff of Homa have the better Substat and passive even r3 staff of Homa is more dmg then r5 jadespear, my xiao is C0 with staff of Homa r5 and deals 60k dmg per jumb by 50% krit and 200% krit dmg and his artefacts arnt even close to perfect, but jadespear is ofc a very Good weapon aswell
Homa is only better for xiao if you are at speedrun level. At full stack primordial still gives him more dps.
Although they are pretty much equal so pick any
ok what does awaken mean? do i have to ascend to lvl 50 or get refinement 2 or something cuz my spear looks like its unawakened btw its lvl 20
awakening happens when you ascend past a certain level. I don’t remember exactly but I’m pretty sure it’s when you reach 60/70
which one is better for hutao? r4 deathmatch or r1 Jade??
R1 Jade is superior than R5 Deathmatch or Blackliff R5. So R1 Jade
Does hitting multiple enemies from one attack (a plunge for example) still count as 1 hit?
There’s a stack effect ICD, so you can’t gain more than 1 stack every 0.3 sec
I just got PJWS. Is this good for Hu Tao? Cus i have blackcliff polearm and white tassel that i used
good, but not the best (maybe 3rd best option)
just go for dragonbane if you manage to balance her crit rate & damage (50/150)
its her 2nd best option when it comes to vapo/melt reaction
50/150? are you high?
im just curious to understand: the stacks lasts for 6 sec, but theres written anything about that 12% increase. so it disappears or not? once you reached it, can you lose it?
what a pity for those 6 secs, but this shit powercreep wanted this to make months later homa, which is definitely better because of its unconditional passive. The amount of damage with the same balanced crit dmg is almost the same, but there’s not that stupid thing of 6 secs, and also, if you have hp% on your subs, they become from useless to helpful.
If you keep attacking you can keep the stacks up indefinetely they dont just go away after 6 seconds, and the 12% buff will stay as long as you have 6 stacks so yes if you lose the stacks the 12% will go away but you can easily but it back up since theres only a 0.3 second cooldown between getting stacks. Although Homa is definetely better, that thing was only in 1 weapon banner, so not many people have it because its not really worth it, especially since there wasnt even the stupid weapon banner pity system we have now, and given you can pull this from standard, its a much more realistic and pretty comparable option.
You’re bad at that sorry, but JADESPEAR R5 is like a God Weapon, Homa R5 is just like a semi-god weapon, Homa R1 is better than JadeSpear R1. That I do not discuss because there what shine is the crit dmg.
They both have conditions that limit them from being even more OP than they already are. PJWS wants you to be on-field continuously attacking. Homa wants you to be below 50% HP. So let’s say you have 20k HP… If your character isn’t continuously below 50% HP, then caring so much about a 160 flat atk boost is a bit copium.
Between Jade and Skyward spine, which is the better 5* for Hu Tao (I don’t have any of the limited time 5* spears so thats why they are not here)
I got 3 of this Spear in a 10 wish pull on permanent banner (very Lucky), It Will be a good weapon for Baal? Should I refine It to lv 3?
look at me i pulled 3 spear on a 10 wish even though 5 stars on standard alternate on character and weapon. WOW LOOK AT ME MOM!
What do people get by doing it on a site like this LMAO
They don’t alternate, maybe you have a higher chance of getting the other, but I got Wolf’s gravestone and PJW spear on my next pity, so they don’t alternate
5 Stars in permanent banner don’t always alternate, It’s more possible to alternate, But not always happens
Stop spreading misinformation like an idiot. They don’t alternate at all. Source: I’ve pulled two characters in the same 10 pull on standard, and more recently, pulled both this weapon PJWS and Amos Bow back to back.
My Lad, It alternates tho.
If you obtain 2 weapons in a row, your next 5-star is going to be a character, and vice versa.
Where are you getting this info? Is this anecdotal or is there test data somewhere?
Depends, if you can get like a 50% – 60% electro damage from her passive, without a polearm with energy recharge, you can use this spear to get a better balance between Crit Rate and Crit DMG.
i already did my maths and ill get my Baal to have 226.5% of ER, 69.5 of Crit Rate and 159.6% of Crit DMG, using Jade Spear, with emblem set (sands ER%, goblet ATQ% and crown Crit DMG).
Is Jade-Spear better for main dps Baal than Skyward Spine? Yeah I know that burst and sub dps Raiden is better, and that everyone thinks she’s gonna be trash for a main dps… But answer please.
raiden is the most broken plunging dps coz she get 2000% plunge attack when in burst mode
…her page is bugged, that aint even realistic
is this wepon is good for baal? if yes do i use er sands or attack % sands with this wepon?
ATK%, ER is only good for the weedwhacker, uhh.. i mean the grasscutters light… anyways, ER is good bc of the grasscutters light + her second passive skill, meaning that its only good with super high ER. you can still use ER and get good DMG but in this case it would be better to use ATK %for her while using the jade spear.
yoo got this as my first 5 star weapon
Will this be better at r1 than an R5 Prototype Starglitter on Raiden
it will be better for its atk buff, even if you manage to use Raiden’s skill twice within 12 seconds you will get a 32% atk buff for at most 2 seconds as oppose to a nearly permeant 34.4% ATK buff from the jade spear. You should also take into account the Crit buff from the jade spear, which is in my opinion far better than the atk% buff of the starglitter.
This will be top 2 for Raiden, easy.
For main DPS Raiden I really hope this is amazing
Bruh im a keqing main and wanted the jade cutter and got 2 jade spears and got it twice in standard banner, I dont have xiao, or hutao, baal being a polearm is the best thing ever, I can finally use that shit
Does any body know if the jade spear’s effect procs only from normal autoattacks or is it all hits including plunges? thanks
it’s on hit so as long as you hitting enemies it will stack even Zhongli pillar can do it
I got 2nd primordial jade
Which better R2 primordial jade for Xiao
I give second primordial jade to zhongli
(My zhongli weapon is Deathmatch level90)
Thanks guys.
Unless you’re a whale, never refine 5* weapons.
Bruh im a keqing main and wanted the jade cutter and got 2 jade spears and got it twice in standard banner, I dont have xiao, or hutao, baal being a polearm is the best thing ever, I can finally use that shit
refing 5star weapons is so stupid damn… you also gain just a little damage for the thing you sacrifice, but it seems that people are too mentally poor to realize it. Just see this weapon, do you think that 8% damage (stacks plus bonus) worths a refinment? what about if you give another primordial to another pole unit? dont you think that you r whole team dmg is much higher in this second scenario? how can you even think it’s better to refine?
I just got this and my xiao is soo happy
I just rolled this out of nowhere on the standard banner. Would this or Deathmatch be better for Hu Tao, since I didn’t get Homa?
Hurr durr, is a five star or four star weapon.
Of course it’s the five star weapon
Except skyward spine on Hu Tao, can confirm, Deathmatch R1 VS Skyward Spine R1, Deathmatch, wins, heck, even white tassel, a3* weap wins
Actually, no. Just put it into the calculator at genshinimpactcalculator(dot)com/genshinCalc
I don’t know why you want to spread misinformation. Even at 0 stacks, the PJWS beats a Deathmatch that has +24% ATK.
And this sentence “the only benefit PJWS is the insanely high attack, but Hu Tao can only utilize it properly if she has crazy high HP and a high scaling skill talent level” makes no sense to the actual calculations that the game actually does.
And using your ult right at the end of Paramita Papilio when you have 7 stacks (increasing your burst by 22.4% ATK + 12% DMG bonus) is a no brainer.
I mean it’s very much possible that hypothetically Deathmatch is better if somehow you hacked the game and put PJWS at 0 stacks perpetually. But realistically, who’s gonna be at 0 stacks?
I tested it right now. In one Paramita Papilio state, I can get 18 attacks in.
Note that n1c doesn’t give two stacks due to ICD, if you want to stack fast n2c is the way to go because it spreads the hits better
Dengen you are the guy who spreads fake news and gets away with it by not replying back after dropping the bomb
It depends, I have the 90 homa with xiao 90 and it is doing very well, but I doubt that the jade is good for hu tao, more than anything because it does not match his gameplay
“With Xingqiu Burst”.
should be considered since the Dragon’s Bane has Elemental Mastery as a stat, and with Xingqiu’s burst, every Hu Tao’s attack vaporizes, making good use of the EM provided, but it’s obvious that it’s not the best polearm for her.
So I have a question, the ATK bonus from Jade Spear is based on the base ATK and not the overall ATK isn’t it?
ATK % is always based on BASE Attack and not Total.
Damage % however is based TOTAL Attack.
So this spear giving 22.4% Attack % and 12% Damage Dealt actually pretty huge.
Thank you, I’m confused bcs the passive said “Increase ATK”, they should use “Increase Base ATK” instead
The thing is that is actually increasing your atk not base attack, it is based on your base attack but it increases your atk
It should say increase ATK by X% of Base ATK.
It’s an increment of your total atk, but the scaling is based on the base atk like all this type of buff (food, NO 4pz, Millelith 4pz…)
Got this on my 6th pull in weapon banner, by some weird accident. How would this weapon be for Hu Tao? Any opinions?
Don’t thing it’ll be better than homa buecause that is just tailor made for hu tao, but is still a damn good weapon
It’ll definitely work on Hu Tao. I will personally use it on her. Simply because I have gems for rolling her guaranteed. But I cant guarantee getting Homa, so I’d rather go for the guaranteed character and give it a good enough weapon.