Дабл брокеринг что такое
Is double brokering legal?
This was a common answer among many transportation professionals asked about the legality of double brokering as part of a FreightWaves investigative series on a burgeoning double-brokering scheme.
Brokers said that double brokering has been around since shippers started relying on brokerages to find trucks to haul their freight. Most agree that it’s legal as long as the shipper consents to the arrangement and the carrier hired to haul the load is also privy to the details and is paid.
However, freight brokers also agree that double brokering is fraught with risk and becomes illegal when a shipper specifies that its loads are not to be re-brokered.
For more than two years, Joe Howard, who works for a Midwestern logistics company, has been tracking an alleged sophisticated network of load-board scammers posing as legitimate companies.
He said the elaborate network has created hundreds of fake motor carrier numbers, pretending to have trucks to get the loads from other brokers. Another entity involved in the alleged scheme re-brokers the freight to legitimate carriers that often have no idea the freight has been illegally double-brokered.
Once the legitimate carrier picks up the load, Howard said the alleged scammers often seek payment from the broker they booked the load with for transportation services or request fuel advances from the brokers before their scheme is discovered.
Frequently, the legitimate trucking companies that transport the freight have little or no communication with the shippers that didn’t authorize the double brokering and sometimes have to fight to be paid, if they are paid at all.
Dale Lenz, owner of Story Express of Ames, Iowa, a small trucking company and freight brokerage, said he mainly has dedicated accounts. But on occasion, Lenz said when he posts a load on one of the load boards, he is hammered with phone calls from Southern California area codes that have a connection to Howard’s growing list.
“Double brokering in one aspect or another has always been around, but this is much more organized than anything I’ve ever seen before and I’ve been in business for more than 20 years,” Lenz told FreightWaves. “There is a widespread fraud going on of shell carriers booking loads from brokers and then double brokering them.”
Brewer’s company, which allows brokers and shippers to research and monitor trucking companies based on safety, compliance, performance and transportation metrics, diligently monitors its site to prevent double-brokering fraud.
Oregon-based DAT is one of the largest on-demand truckload marketplace, with more than 249 million loads and trucks posted annually, according to its website.
DAT spokesperson Annabel Reeves said the company is aware that fraudulent double brokering occurs within the industry and “DAT takes this very seriously.”
“Double brokering violates a number of state and federal laws, and if we became aware of such behavior and were provided sufficient information, we would contact the appropriate law enforcement authorities or encourage those who brought it to our attention to contact the appropriate authorities if they were more comfortable doing so,” Reeves told FreightWaves.
Галя, папира, байзедип и другие важные термины биржевого сленга
После этого текста ваши проблемы исчезнут: сможете «ворваться в комменты» где угодно — и в любой дискуссии сойдете за своего. Ловите трейдерско-русский словарь от «РБК Инвестиций».
Дисклеймер: мы не стремились собрать абсолютно все термины — например, отказались от жаргона профессиональных трейдеров, устаревшего сленга нулевых годов, а также широко известных понятий вроде «быков» и «медведей». Здесь — только самый ходовой современный новояз.
Байда — бумаги китайской компании Baidu, а вовсе не обозначение мусорных акций, как может показаться на первый взгляд.
Байзедип (англ. buy the dip — «выкупай провалы») — покупка акций на просадке (то есть когда они сильно подешевели). Может плохо кончиться (см. Падающий нож).
Бензопила (пила) — крайне сильные колебания цен внутри дня. При волатильности график акций может напоминать зубья пилы (если напрячь воображение) — оттуда и пошло.
Бетонная плита, или просто плита — очень большая заявка в биржевом стакане, способная повлиять на движение котировок.
Боковик (флэт) — движение котировок в узком диапазоне в течение определенного периода без существенного повышения или понижения цены.
Галя — ласковое название акций космической фирмы Virgin Galactic Ричарда Брэнсона. Одна из самых популярных бумаг США на российском рынке.
Дивы — дивиденды: выплаты, которые распределяются среди акционеров в соответствии с дивидендной политикой компании.
Дивгэп — резкое падение стоимости бумаг после закрытия реестра акционеров для выплаты дивидендов. Весьма неприятное событие для новичков.
Джоны (амеры) — американские трейдеры с Нью-Йоркской биржи, начинающие торговать в 16:30 мск (или в 17:30 мск при переходе на зимнее время). Не слишком любимы, потому что иногда обваливают акции, весьма перспективно выглядящие на торгах СПб биржи и премаркете.
Дядя Коля (Николай, Колян) — маржин-колл. Когда он «приходит» или «звонит», дело плохо — значит, у инвестора столь большой убыток, что брокер уведомляет его о необходимости пополнить счет для дальнейшего удержания позиции. Избежать встречи с Дядей Колей можно, если не открывать «шорты» и не торговать с плечом.
Забор — см. Сидеть на заборе
Зина — популярная фармацевтическая компания Zynerba. Пример крайне волатильной бумаги: в феврале 2021-го ее котировки выросли вдвое за несколько дней, а потом резко откатились вниз.
Зомби — предбанкротная компания. Ее акции, тем не менее, есть на бирже — и часто пользуются спросом ввиду дикой волатильности. Хрестоматийные примеры — Chesapeake Energy или Mallinckrodt.
Затариваться — агрессивно покупать активы в большом количестве в ожидании восходящего тренда.
Казино — обычно означает волатильную и малопредсказуемую бумагу второго-третьего эшелона. Такие акции еще называют «бешеными». Также в некоторых телеграм-каналах «казино» называют российский фондовый рынок в целом.
Котлета — все деньги на брокерском счете. Закупиться на всю котлету — вложиться во что-то одно на все деньги, игнорируя здравый смысл. Обычно не лучшая идея.
Кукловод (кукл) — маркетмейкер, профессиональный участник рынка, который формирует его и поддерживает его ликвидность. Нередко провозглашается главным злом, не дающим расти той или иной акции.
Лесенка — стратегия покупки активов, при которой бумаги приобретаются в портфель понемногу, следуя за восходящим трендом.
Лонгуст — инвестор, покупающий акции в «лонг» — то есть на долгосрочную перспективу в расчете на рост котировок. Заклятый враг шортиста.
Лудоманить — покупать акции на удачу без какого-либо анализа. Типичный пример — покупка бумаг под отчет.
Лось — самое нелюбимое у инвесторов животное, которое однажды встречает каждый. Означает убыток по акции. Соответственно, резать лося = фиксировать убыток.
Мамба — Московская биржа. Произошло от ее предыдущего названия ММВБ. Последнее время употребляется все реже.
Мася — максимально любовное названий акций знаменитого американского ретейлера Macy’s.
Муму — акции китайского мессенджера для смартфонов Momo.
Наждак — биржа NASDAQ.
Отскок — падение после роста или рост после падения цен. Отдельно стоит выделить «отскок дохлого кота» — небольшой рост после мощного падения, после чего бумага снова дешевеет еще сильнее.
Падающий нож — обозначает быстрое падение стоимости ценной бумаги. Попытка его «поймать» (купить в расчете на то, что ниже цена уже не опустится) может привести к приличным убыткам.
Паникбай (от англ. Panic buy) — импульсивные покупки, обычно происходят во время резкого роста котировок.
Папира (англ. Paper) — то же самое, что и акция.
Пациент — «скучная» бумага, долгое время торгующаяся в боковике.
Пробой — движение цены выше определенного уровня.
Пролив — обвал котировок из-за массовой распродажи бумаг.
Ракета — резкий рост цены за короткий промежуток времени или просто акция, от которой ждут сильного роста. О том, сбывается ли такой прогноз, многие часто умалчивают. Вовремя сесть в ракету (купить акции перед взрывным ростом) — мечта каждого инвестора.
Свин (свинья, свинота) — акции американской нефтегазовой компании Southwestern Energy. Получили такое прозвище из-за фонетического сходства с ее тикером SWN.
Сидеть на заборе — ситуация, при которой трейдер закрыл все позиции, сидит в кеше и наблюдает за происходящим на рынке со стороны.
Сиплый — S&P 500, главный фондовый индекс США.
Скальпить — быстро покупать и продавать акции внутри дня, пытаясь заработать на небольших колебаниях цен. Скальперов также называют «зайцами».
Слив — избавление от активов. Обычно сливают акции, но самым талантливым удается слить депозит.
Тата — на русскоязычных ресурсах обычно означает акции «Татнефти». Но иногда — Tata Motors, что еще более логично.
Туземун (от англ. to the Moon — «на Луну») — подразумевает мощнейший рост какого-либо актива, «прямо до Луны». Не факт, правда, что потом с грохотом не спустится обратно на землю.
Усредниться — докупить в портфель упавшие в цене акции. Используется для снижения средней стоимости бумаги в портфеле.
Федя — американская транспортная компания FedEx. Никаких исторических связей — используется просто по созвучию.
Хай — максимум цены. Истхай — исторический максимум. Купить на хаях — приобрести бумаги на пике (и, скорее всего, словить из-за этого убытки).
Хомяк (лемминг) — новичок в инвестициях, бросающийся покупать акции по рекомендациям многочисленных «гуру», вслед за толпой, паникуя или просто на эмоциях. Часто вообще не понимает, что делает.
Шорт — короткая позиция. Тот, кто ее открыл, — шортист. Надеть шорты = открыть короткую позицию. Шортокрыл, или шорт-сквиз — ситуация, при которой резкий взлет акций заставляет шортселлеров закрывать короткие позиции и выкупать бумаги, чтобы вернуть их брокеру. Это провоцирует еще больший рост котировок. А порванные шорты — неудачная короткая позиция: вместо ожидаемого падения бумага выросла в цене и принесла незадачливому шортселлеру убытки.
Яша — так в трейдерском новоязе называют флагман русского IT «Яндекс».
Разберем на примерах. Допустим, вы решили поговорить с завсегдатаем «Пульса» о перспективах акций Virgin Galactic.
НЕПРАВИЛЬНО: «Полагаю, что Virgin Galactic — очень перспективная компания. Да, ее акции волатильны, однако я считаю, что в будущем они обязательно сильно вырастут».
ПРАВИЛЬНО: «Имхо, Галя — ракета. Папира казино, но скоро точно полетит туземун».
Или же зашли в трейдерский чат в телеграме, где хотите обратить внимание участников на сильный рост бумаг Southwestern Energy в отсутствие очевидного повода.
НЕПРАВИЛЬНО: «Забавно, спекулянты разгоняют котировки Southwestern Energy. Ведь эта компания в предбанкротном состоянии, а гонящиеся за сверхдоходностью новички понесут большие убытки.
ПРАВИЛЬНО: «Лол, Свина пампят! Это ж зомби-компания, лемминги замучаются потом лосей резать».
Используйте словарь с умом, тщательно подбирайте выражения и получайте удовольствие от горячих обсуждений фондового рынка с другими инвесторами где угодно.
Применить полученные знания вы можете в нашем канале в «Тинькофф Пульс», инстаграме или телеграм-канале «Сам ты инвестор» — у нас везде открыты комментарии. Enjoy!
Double Brokering
These days, when you talk about freight, double brokering comes up almost immediately. The problem is on the rise and will probably keep rising until the scheme stops being profitable. That’s where Brokers come in. It’s our job to stay savvy enough to protect ourselves and our customers. Just like in the other parts of our jobs, the value we can present to our customers is that we know more about the freight industry than they can know, because it’s what we do full time.
We talked about double brokering in a recent episode of The Broker Bros podcast, and Freightwaves published an article on the topic in May. Each of those is worth checking out, as they discuss a lot of the red flags that come up with double brokering.
Working with a company like LDI also gives you access to the information we’ve collected and over 100,000 carriers that have already been verified. We have a process for adding a new carrier, and that process is designed to put enough eyes on the new carrier to keep an eye out for warning signs. Still, it starts and ends with the broker being aware of the risks and conscientious.
The episode of The Broker Bros linked above has some good, specific things to look out for when talking to a carrier to make sure your freight isn’t being double brokered. The bottom line is this: the carrier should be able to answer basic questions like the driver’s contact information, the MC and other details of the carrier that arrives should match the one you contracted with, and the carrier should be able to show a paper trail of prior reviews, inspections, etc.
Here’s the recurring theme to all of those details: you should be asking for them anyway. Do your regular homework on your carriers and look for things that sound suspicious.
That brings us to one final note, a little piece of trivia that is also good to keep in mind:
When you hear someone say they were “conned” or fell for a “con man,” that’s actually short for “confidence,” as in a confidence trick. Remember, that’s what these people are trying to do: get you confident enough to feel like you don’t need to check on the details. They’re usually not counting on their sophistication or a clever grand scheme – they’re counting on getting you to not look to closely. Don’t let your guard down.
The Problem with Double Brokering Freight and How to Avoid It
Double brokering is a particularly controversial aspect of transportation logistics that is hotly debated.
Some advocates call this practice co-brokering, which is technically legal and usually involves the consent of the original shipper. But when this practice is conducted without the knowledge of the shipper in order to increase profits, this practice is called double brokering.
So what is double brokering, and why is it a problem? Double brokering is when a freight broker accepts a shipment and passes it off to another freight broker rather than a motor carrier. This process opens up the original shipper to liabilities they did not agree to even if their chosen broker had brokerage authority to pass the cargo on.
Double brokering can be avoided by motor carriers who also operate as freight brokers by not taking on more freight for their personal fleet than they can take on without having to offload it on other carriers.
If cargo is going to be handed off to another broker, it needs to be done with the original shipper’s consent for the deal to be legit. Double brokering is illegal as well as unethical. Read on to find out more about double-brokering, why it should be avoided by ethical freight handlers, and how you can avoid it.
What Is Double Brokering?
Double brokering comes about when a broker conspires to pass their freight off to another broker rather than the carrier themselves. In some cases, this is simply a case of sloppy or complicated business. In others, it can be a deliberate scam designed to steal a carrier’s pay.
There is also a process of brokerage called co-brokering, but this process is slightly different than double brokering even though it has the same complexities involved. Co-brokering involves two brokers working together to assign a carrier and splitting the fees between them.
The main difference between co-brokering and double brokering is that co-brokering is usually done with the full consent of the company doing the shipping, and there are clear lines of communication set up between all parties involved in the line of logistics. In double brokering, the shipper often doesn’t know that the cargo has been passed off to a third party other than the carrier at all.
Is Double Brokering Illegal?
While double brokering in its main form is more heavily disapproved of than outright illegal, there is one form of double brokering that is illegal, and that is when a broker takes payment for brokering a shipment, re-brokers it to another company, and then fails to provide payment to the carrier once the freight has already been shipped.
This kind of brokering constitutes theft of services and can lead to years of prison time for fraud as well as fines for restitution to recover the stolen services of the motor carrier.
As far as double brokering where the carrier gets paid, it may not be technically illegal, and many shippers heavily disapprove of it due to the breakdown of communications and liability involved with transferring freight through an unknown third party without direct authorization. But that doesn’t stop brokers from doing it, because freight brokerage laws are not stringently enforced.
This often leaves motor carriers at the whims of the brokers as much as the shippers are, which is a large reason neither party is very supportive of double brokering practices.
The Differences Between Double Brokering and Co-Brokering
Because co-brokering is often seen as synonymous with double brokering, both have suffered similar negative press as a result. Instead, co-brokering involves brokers working together with the authorization of the shipper to facilitate a more efficient shipping strategy.
Here is a breakdown of the main differences between co-brokering and double brokering.
Co-brokering can be a good way for brokers to get their loads covered effectively when there is a breakdown of logistics provided the original shipper has given consent and hasn’t specified restrictions against double brokering in their contract.
The main operational difference between co-brokering and double brokering is the level of communication involved. Logistics is largely a matter of having all one’s ducks in a row—making sure that the right insurance policies are in place, the right certifications have been met, the right paperwork has been signed.
Adding an additional brokerage to the chain of transit without informing the shipper decreases transparency and increases the chances of a major problem if there is a breakdown in communication down the line.
Advantages of Double Brokering
There aren’t that many advantages associated with double brokering. Other than that, it can help a broker keep cargo moving in the event of a shipping emergency, and possibly help increase the profit margin slightly.
While some brokers might swear by double brokering as the only way to make a decent paycheck off brokerage, the perceived benefits of double brokering are far outweighed by the risks. Between the threat of cargo loss or liability for deadly accidents, the price is just too high to risk double brokering, especially since it is already a violation of FMCSA legislation.
Just because you haven’t been caught double brokering yet doesn’t mean they won’t throw the book
at you, if your double brokering scheme leads to somebody getting killed on the road or a shipment being lost.
According to MAP 21, double brokering is illegal. So you can get penalized or even have your licenses suspended if you get caught doing it.
Disadvantages of Double Brokering
For both shippers and motor carriers, double brokering means that they assume the majority of the risks involved while gaining very little benefit from the process of double brokering (if any). In its basic form, double brokering involves a company not doing the work they were contracted to do, and instead of passing the buck onto someone else.
A motor carrier is much more likely not to be paid for a shipment on a double brokered load or otherwise end up with some kind of logistics problem as the result of miscommunication when multiple brokers are involved in a load.
One of the biggest disadvantages of double brokering is that if a motor carrier knows your load is double brokered, many will be reluctant to take the load as a result. This can bar brokers from using the most efficient carrier systems to move their freight.
Double brokering doesn’t just leave truckers and shippers alike exposed to fraud; it also means that if something goes wrong with the load, the shipper often has no idea what’s causing the delay and has no way to mitigate the problem.
Double Brokering Has a Bad Reputation Because of Fraud
The fraud committed during double brokered deals where the broker simply takes off with the payment and leaves the motor carrier on the hook for the shipping expenses is a large reason why double brokering has such a bad reputation among carriers and shippers.
Not only does this leave carrier without payment, but it also raises the question of who exactly is liable for the payment that has been skipped out on. Is it the original broker, who assumed that the secondary broker would do as they said they would do? Or is it the shipper, who didn’t even know the shipment had been farmed out without their consent?
The worst part of brokers using double brokerage as a fraud is that because of the nature of third party logistics, brokerage businesses are very easy to set up and dissolve quickly online. That means a scam broker can take a few payments before dissolving the business and disappearing, leaving the other companies with no ability to recoup their expenses.
Advantages of Co-Brokering
In contrast to double brokering, co-brokering can often provide specific advantages to a broker when their own network of carriers and other freight transit resources won’t do the job. Depending on who their co-broker is and what their network looks like, a broker might be able to move a load of freight far more effectively by using another broker’s carriers than by utilizing theirs.
The main goal of a broker is to adjust to shifting parameters in order to get freight moved in as little time as possible and at as little cost as possible, but that involves being open to adaptation and changing things up at the last minute if it means getting the cargo there that much quicker or cheaper.
Co-brokering allows brokers to take on loads that they would otherwise have to turn down and can result in a profit from a job that they would not have been able to take on without help somewhere along the line.
While double brokering is largely seen as a way of undercutting the motor carrier in order to keep as much of the profit for the brokers as possible, co-brokering can instead be a way for brokers to form temporary alliances in order to provide the logistics necessary for the most efficient transfer of cargo they can manage.
Niche Co-Brokering vs. Double Brokering
Another way that brokers can turn a decent profit without resorting to double brokering is to co-broker in a specialized cargo market. Here are some of the different kinds of cargo that freight brokers can specialize in to become a subject matter expert in a certain kind of freight:
In each of these cases, these forms of freight can require special certifications, methods of transport, or other considerations that can be easier to acquire if working with a broker that has a network of resources that also specializes in that kind of freight or those kinds of shipping routes.
For those brokers looking to break into the logistics game successfully, deciding to specialize in a niche market and co-broker with more traditional transport brokers can be a way to get your foot in the door and maintain profitability.
MAP 21 and Transportation Laws Against Double Brokering
Easily the most important reason why brokers shouldn’t get involved in double brokering is that it has been officially outlawed.
With the enactment of MAP 21, federal regulations for motor carriers now dictate that illegal brokering (by their definition, any brokering where the shipper has not given express written consent and authorization for freight transfer) is against the law and can result in fines and penalties.
Despite the fact that these regulations are not very strictly enforced (yet), motor carriers, shippers, and brokers alike should be aware that this change in legislation has occurred and adjust their business models accordingly.
While double brokering might seem like a quick way to turn a buck, it isn’t worth losing your entire business. The fines involved in most shipping violations could easily put most small operators under with a single blow. It simply isn’t worth the risk of losing your business entirely just to make extra money.
How Carriers Can Avoid A Double Brokered Load
Sometimes motor carriers get blindsided by a double brokered load simply because they didn’t realize the broker they were working with wasn’t on the up and up. Luckily, there are a few ways you can inspect the background of a broker to see if they are legitimate or note. Here are some tips for figuring out whether you can trust a broker:
Double Brokering Isn’t Worth the Risk
Whether you’re looking to become a freight broker or you’re looking to work with one as a motor carrier, double brokering is an important issue to be aware of, and it’s an important one to take a stand against. Not only is this predatory practice unethical and dangerous, but it also leaves every person in the line of transit at risk in case something goes wrong.
Without clear communication between the shipper, the broker, and the motor carrier, there is no way to ensure that a shipper’s cargo can be safely and legally delivered over long distances. And in the case of a problem, if there are multiple brokers involved, both carriers and shippers will have no way to effectively contact each other.
Add in the risk of one of the brokers pulling a runner with the freight payment, and it just isn’t worth the hassle to get involved with double brokered loads.
Transparency is Key to Avoiding Brokerage Fraud
From the shipper all the way to the motor carrier, the most important factor in making sure a shipment gets effectively transported from one location to another is making sure that the right hand knows what the left hand is doing. Double brokerage overcomplicates an already overcomplicated process.
However, under the right circumstances and with high levels of precise communication, co-brokering is a form of freight brokerage that has the potential to generate profit for brokers who are willing to both network and provide niche benefits.
Staying on the right side of transportation laws with regards to brokerage can mean the difference for a small operator between staying in business and being run out of business, so making sure to stay away from double brokered loads is a big part of that.
Co-Brokering and Niche Brokering Provide Profits Where Double Brokering Doesn’t
For those who feel like normal brokering doesn’t provide enough profit to make a living, there are ways to increase the profit that can be gleaned from it by teaming up with niche brokers or carving out a specialty with regards to what kind of freight you work with and who your resources are.
However, double brokering doesn’t provide profits worth risking fines, suspension of licensing, or worse.