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Исчисляемые и неисчисляемые существительные в английском языке

Существительные могут быть исчисляемыми (Countable nouns) и неисчисляемыми (Uncountable nouns). В английском языке при согласовании подлежащего со сказуемым важно знать, каким существительным оно является, от этого зависит употребление артиклей и глаголов.

Неисчисляемыми существительными являются названия вещества, абстрактные понятия, которые нельзя посчитать. Их нельзя использовать с неопределенными артиклями «a» или «an».

Неисчисляемые существительные имеют только форму единственного числа, даже если переводятся на русский язык во множественном числе. Например:

C неисчисляемыми существительными употребляется глагол в единственном числе.

Some употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными в значении «некоторое количество», а с исчисляемыми во множественном числе в значении «несколько».

Some friends of mine will come to this party.
Несколько моих друзей придут на вечеринку.
(Некоторые мои друзья придут на вечеринку).

Использование неопределенных местоимений:

Do you have many books?
У тебя много книг?

Idon’t have many friends.
Я не имею много друзей.How much?

Do you have much money?
У тебя много денег?

Для указания количества, выраженного неисчисляемым существительным, употребляются определенные слова перед ними:

Некоторые слова в зависимости от ситуации могут быть как исчисляемыми так и неисчисляемыми. Соответственно будет разница в значении этих слов.

Неисчисляемые существительные становятся исчисляемыми, если они обозначают отдельную часть от целого, не само вещество, а предмет, из этого вещества состоящий, а также обозначают вид, сорт.

Для проверки существительного, попробуйте использовать цифру, определенное количество. Если не получается, значит это неисчисляемое. (Нельзя сказать : пять денег, три тепла)



Английский для всех простым языком

Список неисчисляемых существительных

Неисчисляемые существительные — это существительные, которые нельзя посчитать.

Мы не можем сказать: раз молоко, две любви, три темноты — это НЕисчисляемые существительные.

В статье приведу список 250 самых распространенных неисчисляемых существительных по алфавиту. Пытаться объединять похожие существительные в группы и причислять их к неисчисляемым — не стоит. Например, слово «лук» — исчисляемое существительное. А «чеснок» — неисчисляемое.Слово «ТВ» television — неисчисляемое, а «радио» исчисляемое и пишется с артиклем.

Так же, совет, когда перед вами стоит вопрос: ставить артикль перед не исчисляемым существительным или нет, опирайтесь на контекст. Вот наглядный пример: слово «снег» — неисчисляемое существительное. Но его вполне можно использовать с артиклем, исходя из контекста. Сравните эти два предложения:

Еще момент, почему слово «комната» входит в список неисчисляемых, ведь комнаты вполне можно посчитать? Здесь тоже самое правило — опирайтесь на контекст.

Что нужно знать про НЕисчисляемые существительные

1. НЕисчисляемые существительные не могут стоять во множественном числе:

2. Никогда не используйте существительные во множественном числе с окончанием — s —

He gave me two adviceS. Неверно.
He gave me two pieces of advice. Правильный вариант.

I bought two milkS and three riceS. Неверно.
I bought two bottles of milk and two boxes of rice. Правильный вариант.

3. Если вы не уверены, какой артикль ставить перед существительным и не знаете: исчисляемое существительное перед вами или неисчисляемое, используйте следующие универсальные слова, которые используются с обоим типом существительных. Это поможет сделать ваше предложение грамматически правильным.

250 распространенных неисчисляемых существительных

accessдоступOnly a few people have access to this information.
accommodationжильеDoes the company provide accommodation for the workers?
adulthoodсовершеннолетиеYou’ll have more freedom in adulthood, but more responsibilities too.
advertisingрекламаA lot of creative people work in advertising.
adviceсоветIf you’re not sure what to do, ask your friends for advice.
aggressionагрессияIf he needs an outlet for his aggression, he could try boxing.
aidпомощьShould rich countries give more aid to poor countries?
airвоздухIf there’s not enough air in the room, open a window.
alcoholалкогольWhiskey contains much more alcohol than beer.
angerгневWhy was someone with so much anger allowed to own a gun?
applauseаплодисментыAfter the concert, the applause went on for at least five minutes.
arithmeticарифметикаI wanted to work in a bank because I was always good at arithmetic.
artискусствоIf you want to learn about art, visit the national gallery.
assistanceпомощь, содействиеAfter calling 911 for assistance, we waited for an ambulance.
athleticsлегкая атлетикаJenny’s very good at athletics, and she’s even won some medals.
attentionвниманиеThe teacher found it difficult to get her students’ attention.
baconбеконWould you like some bacon with your scrambled eggs?
baggageбагажThe customs officer at the airport checked all my baggage.
balletбалетMy dad loved ballet, and he even took us to see Swan Lake.
beautyкрасотаMany poets have been inspired by the beauty of nature.
beefговядинаI don’t eat beef or pork, but I like fish and seafood.
beerпивоIt was a good party, but I think we drank too much beer.
biologyбиологияIf you study biology, you’ll learn how amazing life really is.
bloodкровьWhen I studied botany, we often collected plants from forests.
breadхлебI sliced a loaf of bread and then made some sandwiches.
businessбизнесBefore going into business, ask your father for some advice.
butterмаслоWould you like some butter on your toast?
carbonуглеродClimate change occurs when there’s too much carbon in the air.
cardboardкартонWe could get cardboard for our signs by cutting up old boxes.
cashналичные деньгиIf you need some cash, go to an ATM machine.
chalkмелDon’t forget to take some chalk to your class.
chaosхаосThere was chaos after the fire started, with people running in all directions.
cheeseсырDo you want some extra cheese on your pizza?
chessшахматыDo you feel like having a game of chess?
childhoodдетствоFor most of my childhood, our family lived in London.
clothingодеждаWe were poor, but we always had enough food and clothing.
coalугольMy grandmother used to cook on a stove that burned coal.
coffeeкофеHow many cups of coffee do you drink every day?
commerceкоммерцияSome historians say commerce began about 10,000 years ago.
compassionсостраданиеThe Buddha taught us to feel compassion for all living things.
comprehensionпониманиеSayoko’s comprehension of written English is excellent.
contentсодержаниеThis website’s content is great, and so is the design.
corruptionкоррупцияAll this corruption has made many politicians very rich.
cottonхлопокAmerican farmers used African people as slaves to pick cotton.
courageмужество, храбростьThe protesters showed so much courage, knowing they could be shot at any moment.
currencyвалютаHow much local currency will I need to get a taxi from the airport?
damageповрежденияWe couldn’t believe how much damage the storm had caused.
dancingтанцыMy legs are sore after so much dancing in the club last night.
dangerопасностьBefore the hunter could shoot, the deer sensed the danger and ran off.
dataданныеHow much data can your computer’s hard drive store?
delightвосторгWe took great delight in watching our kids act in the play.
dessertдесертWould you like some ice cream for dessert?
dignityдостоинствоHe accepted his defeat with dignity, and waved to the crowd.
dirtгрязьMy brother’s face was covered in dirt and his hair was a mess.
distributionраспространениеMarketing ebooks is difficult, but distribution is easy.
dustпыльAll the furniture in the empty house was covered in dust.
economicsэкономикаOne of our daughters wants to study economics at university.
educationобразованиеTo get on in this world, you need a good education.
electricityэлектричествоElectricity is dangerous, so don’t try to fix the wires yourself.
employmentзанятостьShe graduated from university two years ago, but she still hasn’t found full-time employment.
energyэнергияUsing clean energy like wind and solar power is better than burning coal or oil.
engineeringинжинирингIf she likes learning about machines, she should study engineering.
enjoymentнаслаждениеI never thought I’d get so much enjoyment from reading a book.
entertainmentразвлечениеTelevision is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment.
envyзавистьYou should have seen the envy on Harry’s face when he saw his neighbour’s new car.
equipmentоборудованиеMy gym costs more than hers, but it’s got much better equipment.
ethicsэтикаIf schools taught ethics as a core subject, the world would be a much better place.
evidenceдоказательствоThere’s a lot of evidence proving he was there, like fingerprints and DNA.
evolutionэволюцияSome people still don’t believe in evolution from natural selection, despite all the scientific evidence.
failureнеудачаSometimes we learn more from failure than we do from success.
faithвераI have faith in Mark because he always does what he says he’ll do.
fameизвестностьLots of people dream of fame and fortune, but very few achieve it.
fictionфантастикаAlan’s favourite work of fiction is Lord of the Rings.
flourмукаIf you’re going shopping, could you get some flour?
fluгриппI’ve had the flu all week, and I can’t stop coughing and sneezing.
foodедаIf you want to live a long and healthy life, eat good food.
freedomсвободаIf you still don’t have freedom, you should be fighting for it!
fruitфруктыFruit is delicious, and it’s also really good for you.
fuelтопливоThe pump stopped working because it’d run out of fuel.
funвесельеOur kids had lots of fun at the beach today.
furnitureмебельMy wife always wants to buy more furniture.
garbageмусорDid you remember to take out the garbage?
garlicчеснокPeople say garlic makes breath smell bad, but I can’t smell it.
gasгаз/бензинWe didn’t used that much gas last month, did we?
geneticsгенетикаPeople who breed animals usually know a lot about genetics.
glassстеклоBottles made of glass are better for recycling than plastic ones.
goldзолотоEuropean invaders stole a lot of gold from South America.
golfгольфWhy don’t we have a game of golf on Sunday afternoon?
gossipслухиI can’t believe how much gossip I heard at Doreen’s dinner party.
grammarграмматикаWe need activities that make learning grammar more interesting.
grassтраваThe grass in the back yard’s getting too long, so I’d better cut it.
gratitudeблагодарностьRicardo expressed his gratitude to all those who’d helped him.
griefгореMaria was overcome with grief when her sister died.
groundземляWe lay with our backs on the ground and looked at the stars.
guiltвинаDo politicians feel any guilt when they start a war to boost their popularity?
gymnasticsгимнастикаI really enjoyed watching the gymnastics at the Olympics.
hairволосыHarry’s hair was long and blond when he was a teenager, but now it’s short and gray.
happinessсчастьеThey enjoyed many years of happiness together.
hardwareоборудованиеYour hardware is fine, but you need to get some new software.
harmвредLuckily the storm didn’t do any harm to our fruit tress.
hateненавидетьTheir eyes were full of hate as they beat and kicked their victim.
hatredненавистьWhy do they feel so much hatred towards gay people?
healthздоровьеHis health improved a lot after he started exercising.
heatжараThe heat from the fire kept us warm all night.
heightвысотаMy brother and I are around the same height.
helpпомощьHow much help did you get with your homework?
homeworkдомашние урокиI did all my homework myself!
honestyчестностьAre you speaking with complete honesty about this?
honeyмедWould you like some honey on your toast?
hospitalityгостеприимствоWe were amazed by the hospitality of the people in the village.
houseworkдомашняя уборкаDoes your husband do much of the housework?
humourюморEven though it was a serious movie, it had moments of humour.
hungerголодBy 2 o’clock in the afternoon, I was feeling pangs of hunger.
hydrogenводородHydrogen and oxygen combine to form water.
iceледWould you like some ice in your drink?
ice creamмороженоеIf I eat too much ice cream, I start to put on weight.
importanceважностьThe research shows the importance of regular exercise.
inflationинфляцияInflation has made everything more expensive than before.
informationинформацияDo you think the information on this website is accurate?
injusticeнесправедливостьNelson Mandela spent most of his life fighting injustice.
innocenceневинностьDespite their innocence, many good people were sent to jail.
intelligenceинтеллектDo you think IQ tests really measure intelligence?
ironжелезоIn ancient Rome, knives and spear tips were made of iron.
ironyиронияAs we stood in the rain, Julie said, with much irony, «Lovely weather, isn’t it?»
jamджем/вареньеCan I have some strawberry jam on my toast, please?
jealousyревностьIf she even looks at another guy, her boyfriend goes crazy with jealousy.
jelly /Bre/желеMum made some red jelly for dessert.
jelly /Amer/желеCan I have one of your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?
joyрадостьWhen I held our first baby, tears of joy ran down my cheeks.
judoдзюдоDid you know that judo is an Olympic sport now?
juiceсокEvery morning I have a glass of freshly-squeezed orange juice.
justiceсправедливостьThose boys who were jailed for a crime they didn’t commit are still waiting for justice.
karateкаратэMy brother has a black belt in karate, so don’t bully me!
kindnessдобротаIf you speak and act with kindness, everyone will like you.
knowledgeзнаниеWe all need the knowledge and skills that an education provides.
labourтрудDoes this price include the cost of labour?
lackотсутствиеThe lack of English-speaking workers is a problem.
landземельный участокHow much of this land can be used for farming?
laughterсмехThere’s always a lot of laughter in Maria’s classes.
lavaлаваLook at all that lava coming down the side of the volcano!
leatherкожаIf you’re going to ride a motorbike, wear a leather jacket.
leisureдосугHer favourite leisure activities are reading and playing tennis.
lightningмолнияDid you see all the lightning during the storm last night?
linguisticsлингвистикаIf you study linguistics, you’ll learn all about language and how it works.
literatureлитератураEnglish literature was my favourite subject at school.
litterмусорPeople who leave their litter behind are lazy and selfish.
livestockдомашний скотAre you sure the livestock on this farm is well-treated?
logicлогикаCan you explain the logic behind your decision?
lonelinessодиночествоShe lives by herself, but she doesn’t suffer from loneliness.
loveлюбовьHow many different kinds of love can you think of?
luckудача, везениеKim never seems to have much luck when she gambles.
luggageбагажCan I leave my luggage here while I go to the bathroom?
machineryмашинное оборудованиеWe’ll have to buy a lot of new machinery for the factory.
magicмагияYou don’t really believe in the power of magic, do you?
mailпочтаWho collects your mail while you’re away?
managementуправлениеWithout good management, a company won’t last long.
mankindчеловечествоHe says mankind’s biggest challenge is global warming.
marbleмраморIs this floor really made of Italian marble?
mathematicsматематикаIf you want to be an engineer, you’ll have to study mathematics.
mayonnaiseмайонезDo you want some mayonnaise on your salad sandwich?
measlesкорьHis body was covered in red spots, so we thought he had measles.
meatмясоDid you buy this meat from our local butcher?
metalметаллBicycle frames are usually made of light-weight metal.
methaneметанIs it possible to run a car on methane?
milkмолокоHow many litres of milk do you drink every day?
moneyденьгиI’m trying to save enough money to buy a car.
mudгрязьI fell over and got mud all over my clothes.
musicмузыкаWhat sort of music do you like?
natureприродаThe beauty of nature has inspired many artists and poets.
newsновостиMy dad watches the news on TV every night.
nitrogenазотDid you know that you can’t see or smell nitrogen?
nonsenseбредYou don’t believe all that nonsense about ghosts, do you?
nurtureвоспитаниеParents are responsible for the nurture of their young.
nutritionпитаниеIf we eat for nutrition instead of taste, we’ll all be healthier.
obedienceпослушаниеMilitary commanders expect obedience from their troops.
obesityожирениеDiseases caused by obesity kill millions of people every year.
oilнефть, маслоSaudi Arabia makes a lot of money from selling oil.
oxygenкислородWhen you breathe in, your body gets oxygen from the air.
paperбумагаHow many sheets of paper do you need?
passionстрастьPeople on both sides of the debate spoke with passion.
pastaмакароныSpaghetti, ravioli and lasagna are different types of pasta.
patienceтерпениеAfter waiting an hour to see a doctor, I ran out of patience and left.
permissionразрешениеYou’ll need permission from the boss if you want to leave early.
physicsфизикаThese new theories in physics are difficult to understand.
poetryпоэзияHave you ever read the poetry of Walt Whitman?
pollutionзагрязнениеMost air pollution comes from cars and factories.
povertyбедностьMillions of people are still living in poverty.
powerмощностьThe police have the power to arrest and charge people.
prideгордостьWe watched with pride as our son was awarded his medal.
productionпроизводствоRice production has increased this year.
progressпрогрессI hope you’re making progress in your English.
pronunciationпроизношениеYour pronunciation of English is excellent.
psychologyпсихологияMy sister wants to study psychology.
publicityпубличностьThe royal wedding got a lot of publicity in the media.
punctuationпунктуацияGood punctuation will make your writing easier to read.
qualityкачествоGood quality shoes last longer than shoes of poor quality.
quantityколичествоThe police found a large quantity of stolen goods in the house.
quartzкварцQuartz is often used in high-quality watches and clocks.
racismрасизмRacism is still a problem in many parts of the world.
rainдождьAll the farmers in our village are praying for rain.
recreationотдыхOur students want less homework and more time for recreation.
relaxationрасслаблениеMeditation is one of the best techniques for relaxation.
reliabilityнадежностьThe main selling points for this car are its safety and reliability.
researchисследованиеBefore writing his book, he put a lot of time into research.
respectуважениеChildren in Asia have a lot of respect for their teachers.
revengeжажда местиThe kids got together and planned their revenge on the bully.
riceрисHow much rice do you think we need to cook for the stir-fry?
roomкомнатаDo you think there’s enough room for a piano in here?
rubbishмусор, хламPut any rubbish in that bin over there.
rumромPirates like Blackbeard loved to drink rum.
safetyбезопасностьMy grandma always worries about safety in airplanes.
saladсалатWould you like some salad with your meal?
saltсольCould you pass the salt and pepper, please?
sandпесокWe went to the beach and built a castle out of sand.
satireсатираA lot of political cartoonists use satire in their work.
sceneryвид, пейзаж, декорацииThe scenery in the mountains was magnificent.
seafoodморепродуктыMy wife loves seafood, especially lobster and prawns.
seasideпобережьеEvery year we spend our vacation at the seaside.
shameпозорI’ll never forget the shame I felt when I was caught stealing.
shoppingпоход по магазинамCan’t you think of anything better to do in your free time than shopping?
silenceтишинаAfter a moment of silence, we started talking again.
sleepспячка, сонAll animals need periods of sleep, even fish and frogs.
smokeдымWe could see the smoke, so we knew there was a fire.
smokingкурениеSome politicians want to ban smoking in all public places.
snowснегDoes it ever snow in Brazil, or is it too hot?
soapмылоThere’s a new bar of soap in the cupboard in the bathroom.
softwareпрограммное обеспечениеWe used to buy software on discs, but now we download it.
soilпочваThe soil would be healthier if we added manure and compost to it.
sorrowпечальCan you imagine how much sorrow his mother must have felt?
soupсупThere’s a tin of tomato soup in the cupboard if you want it.
speedскоростьI wonder what the new Ferrari’s top speed is.
spellingправописаниеIf you read more books, your spelling will improve.
sportспортDo you think Uncle Bill watches too much sport on TV?
steamпарTrains and ships used to be powered by steam.
strengthпрочностьLifting that heavy sofa took all my strength.
stuffматериалWhat’s this brown stuff on the bottom of my shoe?
stupidityглупость, тупостьWe’re all capable of stupidity from time to time.
successуспехSuccess is great, but you can learn a lot from failure too.
sugarсахарHow many teaspoons of sugar would you like in your tea?
sunshineсолнечный светWe need a few minutes of sunshine every day to stay healthy.
symmetryсимметрияThe more symmetry there is in a face, the more beautiful it is.
teaчайWould you like a cup of peppermint tea?
tennisтеннисMy grandma is too old for tennis, but she still plays golf.
thirstжаждаNo matter how bad your thirst gets, don’t drink sea water!
thunderгромThere was a flash of lightning, and then a crack of thunder.
timberбревноThe frame is made of timber, but the walls are made of brick.
timeвремяHow much time do you spend at your computer every day?
toastтостWould you prefer jam or honey on your toast?
toleranceтолерантностьParents and teachers should encourage tolerance among children.
tradeсделкаHow much is our trade with African countries worth?
trafficтрафикThe traffic on Main Street is always bad in the morning.
transportationтранспортDon’t forget the cost of transportation from the airport.
travelпутешествиеHow much travel will the job require?
trustдовериеA company that betrays a customer’s trust won’t last long.
understandingпониманиеThe classes will improve your understanding of grammar.
underwearнижнее бельеDon’t forget to take plenty of underwear on the trip.
unemploymentбезработицаUnemployment is a serious problem in many countries.
unityединствоCollege initiation rituals are meant to create unity in the group.
usageприменениеInternet usage in China has increased a lot this year.
validityпериод действияThe officials checked the validity of everyone’s passport.
vealтелятинаAfter petting a young calf, my son said he wouldn’t eat veal any more.
vegetationрастительностьElephants can eat many different kinds of vegetation.
vegetarianismвегетарианствоMy doctor explained all the health benefits of vegetarianism.
vengeanceместьThese two families have been carrying out acts of vengeance on each other for fifty years.
violenceнасилиеBoth families want to end the violence, but they don’t know how to.
visionвидениеThe injury to his eye limited his vision.
vitalityжизнеспособностьIn their performance, all the dancers showed great vitality.
warmthтеплоWe lay on the sand feeling the warmth of the sun on our bodies.
waterводаIs the water here safe to drink?
wealthбогатствоHis only goal in life was to accumulate more and more wealth.
weatherпогодаThe weather here is always beautiful in spring.
weightвесIf I eat too much, I’ll start putting on weight.
welfareблагосостояниеA government’s main responsibility is the welfare of its people.
wheatпшеницаEvery year we export millions of tons of wheat.
whiskeyвискиHow many glasses of whiskey did you drink?
widthширинаThe pool’s length is 100 metres, and the width is 20 metres.
wildlifeживая природаDo you think shooting wildlife should be called a sport?
wineвиноShall we have a bottle of wine with our meal?
wisdomмудростьThere was a lot of wisdom in what our grandmother said.
woodдревесинаIs Jenny’s new dining table made of wood?
woolшерстьHow much wool grows on a sheep in one year?
workработаTry to find work doing something you love doing.
yeastдрожжиIf you don’t add yeast to the dough, the bread won’t rise.
yogaйогаYoga has been practised in India for thousands of years.
youthмолодостьIs it better to spend one’s youth travelling or studying?
zincцинкZinc is an important trace element, especially for men.
zoologyзоологияZoology is one of the most interesting branches of biology.

Источник: https://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/nouns-uncountable-list.htm


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